11:00 AM12:00 PM

Welcome Coffee & Networking:

Business Coffee and Day Two Reception

12:00 PM12:20 PM

Corporate Presentation by Jujuy Energía y Minería Sociedad del Estado (JEMSE):

Hosted by Jujuy’s State Mining Company

12:20 PM12:45 PM

World Bank Presentation:

Critical Minerals, an Opportunity for the Development of Latin America in the Energy Transition

12:45 PM01:15 PM

Presentation by the Stockholm Environment Institute:

Regional Protocol for Water Management in Lithium Basins of Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile

01:15 PM01:55 PM

Presentation: To be confirmed

01:55 PM03:00 PM

Mining at the Center of Public Opinion:

Social View of Mining in Times of High Visibility

03:00 PM04:00 PM

Midday Break & Networking

04:00 PM04:30 PM

Market Sessions | Benchmark Mineral Intelligence:

Presentación de Benchmark Minerals Intelligence

04:30 PM05:00 PM

Market Sessions | Presentation by S&P Global Platts:

Lithium: The New Energy Game Changer – A Bright Outlook

05:00 PM05:30 PM

Market Sessions | Presentation by CRU:


05:30 PM06:00 PM

Market Sessions | Presentation by Fastmarkets:

Understanding Global Lithium Prices: Development and Trends

06:00 PM07:00 PM

Next Steps and Needs for Future Lithium Projects:

Final Panel of the Conference with Lithium Companies

07:00 PM

Closing Cocktail:

Closing Event and Final Networking